Whilst we know that these are indeed challenging times for all, I must remind you that you still have to keep up with your responsibility of ensuring that Rent and Service charges continue to be paid.
You are advised to set up standing order and direct debits methods of payments where possible in order to ensure regular payments are made towards rent for tenants and service charges for leaseholders. Please contact your Housing Officer to make arrangements for payment of outstanding arrears where applicable.
For those in difficulty please ensure that you claim the benefits that you and family might be entitled to, such as Universal credit, Job seeker’s allowance etc. If you require further assistance with financial advice, please contact your Housing Officer who will provide you with information of organisations and agencies that may be able to assist you.
In addition, we would like to remind all that as people are in lockdown at home to please be more considerate towards neighbours and be careful with Noise Nuisance such as playing loud music, TV, shouting, banging/slamming doors.
As you are responsible for members of your household and visitors to your home, you are reminded to please ensure that youths in your households do not congregate outside homes, on the streets thereby causing a nuisance and disturbance to neighbours living nearby.
Please remember that all residents have the right to live and feel safe in their homes and neighbourhood.
Angell Town RMO thank all residents for their anticipated co-operation in these matters.
Lambeth Council has set up a Lambeth Corona Virus helpline for vulnerable people and particularly people aged 70 plus.
The Lambeth Coronavirus helpline contact number is 0207 926 2999 or you can also go on to Coronavirus help page of the Lambeth website.
The service is open from 8am to 8pm seven days a week
They may be able to help you with:
0808 175 0231
0208 646 9100